Newsletter – May 2019

Greetings artists and creative minds!

Turns out when I don’t have a deadline I tend not to write my “newsletter article”.  I do want to keep in touch though, and have missed having the market in my yard. Ludwig has some things to share that could be beneficial to your media presence if you want to check out the Peachtree Corners Photography Club meeting. 

Since last we spoke we have added an addition to the house, namely a garage and the space above.  You may have seen it.. Even though you can’t drive down Thrasher St right now you can see from Park St. If you are coming to the Voltage Brothers concert at Thrasher Park May 24 7:30 pm and would like a sneak peek at the Garage-mahal, please reply to   We will have a few people over before the concert, starting around 6:30. There is an awesome balcony with a treetop view of the park. Not the band, because of the angle, but the festivities.  

I have missed seeing all of you. In fact I need some of those scrubby cloths that Lyn makes. I need some plants from Ken. And so many others!  So I’m thinking.. Maybe we can do an Artwalk. Still in my yard, with tables but not tents. Artist demos, so not really a “sale”. Any ideas?  I’m going to Duluth to scope out theirs. Now that I have the garage and a patio we have more flexibility with space, though not an open yard. 

Also… Music on the porch!  No specific dates yet, but it will be happening. 

Connie Weathers of the Norcross Community market always asks if any of y’all are interested in participating. Mostly a Farmers market, they will have a couple of artisans at each market on a rotating basis, and some other events as in the past, Christmas in July and international day. 

See you soon!

Susan Rohrabaugh 

Photo Tips

At the next meeting of the Peachtree Corners Photography Club the topic is “focus stacking”. This is a technique for combining several photos and selecting the sharpest parts of each so the whole image is sharp all over. This is especially useful for artisans and artists who create objects such as jewelry, pottery, sculptures and the like. Presenting them in full detail is immensely helpful – and so is this technique. Come, learn how to do it.

You can even have your camera cleaned at the meeting – see the announcement.

Click here to see announcement